Tag Archives: fairy tales

If Only Hansel Had Listened To Gretel: Bread Crumbs Vol. 2

14 May

I looked at Hansel, nervously crumbling the bread between my fingers. “Are we going to die?”

Hansel gave me a half grin. “No, Gretel. We’re not going to die.”

I ventured my gaze into the looming forest, a set of hungry eyes staring back at me. I wanted to believe my brother, but I couldn’t. We were definitely going to die, but I didn’t need to tell him that. He may be my older brother, but I was the brains here, not to mention the only rational one of the duo. I dropped the doughy ball of bread on the ground, looking over my shoulder as I saw a fox run across the path, snatching the pieces up behind us – this was pointless, but Hansel refused to listen.

“Um… Hansel?” My voice was shaky as I tried again to tell him.

He hadn’t heard me, stopping abruptly. “Look!” He yelled.

His finger was pointed before him, his eyes so wide that I thought for a moment he’d seen our death, if not for the grin decorating his cheeks. I followed the angle of his thin finger, seeing a clearing up ahead. It was dark, and in the middle sat an oddly shaped gingerbread house.

“We’re saved!” he yelled.

I pressed my lips together, thinking that this didn’t look like ‘saved’ to me. There was a waterfall of blood, the stench of burning flesh in the air, but all Hansel could see was the candy canes and sugar – a perfectly set trap.

“I don’t know, Hansel…”

Again, Hansel hadn’t heard me as he took off at a run, the lust for food fogging his already damaged judgement. If only we had eaten the bread, then we wouldn’t be in this predicament.

I sighed. We were definitely going to die now…

Well, my bread baking experience yesterday turned out perfectly. If I were that fox, I wouldn’t have hesitated for this bread! My first successful home-made loaf!!

Bread Crumbs… I’ll keep them for myself.
