Archive | May, 2009

“Raven” will have to wait… “Parallel” is next…

27 May

So, some fans have already asked me when the last book in the series will come out. The second Book, Guardian, came out just this past week and I’m gaining fans which is great. I’ve decided to wait on Raven so that I can get the ending right, the last thing I want to do is have the series fizzle…

In the meantime though, I have started a new book called Parallel. It’s another fictional story but leans more toward science fiction and away from fantasy. It’s another love story, but this time it involves time travel, but not time travel like what you’re used to, think Benjamin Button meets Time Travelers Wife meets Jumper. Something like that.

When I have a better sample, I will be sure to post it!!!

In the meantime, check out my other reads if you haven’t already!!!! These are links to my CreateSpace E-Store….


Feather: Book One

Guardian: Book Two

Guardian Now Available on Kindle and Mobipocket, Paperback in a few days…

15 May

Guardian is now available on Kindle and Mobipocket for all you “Green” e-book readers 🙂 The paperback is being processed and I expect that it will be ready in two days…

I am very excited about the second book in the series, it came from the heart and I wrote it during a difficult personal time and I believe it shows in the writing. I know a book is good when I have a hard time writing it because it means that much to me,

Best wishes!


What You’ve all Been Waiting For…

9 May

Guardian, Book Two in my series is now solidified for release in 10-14 days, (May 19-23) Though I can barely contain myself to release the Kindle version, it will not be released for another couple of days, COUPLE OF DAYS!!!!!! Exciting!!! I think the second book is great for the state of the world today, and speaks a lot not just in the story itself, but in life….

Count down!!!