Archive | January, 2010

It has come time to move on… to a New Blog!!

14 Jan

It has come time for me to move on, and move up! Though you may not be done reading the Feather Book Series, I’ve got to start work on my new series, The Knight Angels. Because of this, I’ve set up a schnazzy NEW blog for me to move to!

Don’t fret. I know you’ll like the new one evern better!

Be sure to visit me often!


Feather Book Series: Raven…. Finally Released!!!

13 Jan

Yes, it has come that time! I just reviewed my copy of Raven today after being out-of-town on vacation – It’s Perfect! And now, it’s available for you too!!

Feather Paperback

Click on image to go directly to Amazon!

It’s time for this love to finally bloom, and for eternity to start! But for these immortal teens, life cannot be any more difficult…

A love that spans lifetimes, and defies every odd… The Feather Book Series

Also available on Kindle!!!!!


Some updates on my amazing trip to Arizona.

I’ve never been to Arizona, and in fact, I’ve never been that far south, unless you count Australia (Which I don’t). When we touched down and drove out to the rental house, I couldn’t help but secretly wonder where Stephanie Meyer lives, lol.

I can’t get enough of those cacti!!!! I love them!, like my niece says, “They’re just like people with four arms!” and she wonders what if they are? She’s 6 folks! And already she wonders about things no normal six-year-old does. She actually thought that the cacti were perhaps souls of the dead… And I wonder where I get my ideas.

I’ve been reading The Immortals series, and the most profound thing she said was that she sees colors. If you’ve read the series, then you know what I mean. I asked my niece to explain, and she went on and on about how each person has a color surrounding them, 

“Like you, aunt Abby, you’re green!”

She didn’t really say that, but she should have! I am jealous! My little psychic companion!

So aside from hanging with my exceptionally intelligent niece, I also got to hang out with my two best friends. My sister-in-law and I have known each other since we were 3! And my other best friend Amy, the light of my life and the funniest person I’ve ever met, was also in the bridal party! Oh, yeah, it was my sister in laws wedding, which you would know if you follow my Tweets!

Anyway, I’ll post some photos of me decked out in bright bright blue silk when I get the chance, lol…

Wanna Know A Secret??

6 Jan

Click here to go to Amazon!

It’s here! It’s here! It’s here!

Raven is available on kindle 🙂 No, I’m not joking…

Raven on Kindle, from amazon

It got registered with them rather quickly. I must say, I was suprised. My publisher can work magic 😉

If you do download it, remember that I am anxious to know what you think!! My editor cried in the end, always a good sign. But make sure to leave me a review! There are none right now 😦 But that’s because it’s new!

For those of you waiting for the Paperback, hold tight! It’s coming! I swear I’ll inform you when it’s ready!

Follow abraebner on Twitter

A Tiny, Yet Electric Taste of the Upcoming Final Book, ‘Raven’

3 Jan

I thought, why not a teaser. I was just working through this bit of the book, still. And thought, I give you a bit of something to chew on for the next couple weeks until the release! So without much further to say…

I turned away from him, walking to the wall across the room where my paintings hung. My jaw was tight, as it had been constantly for the past few weeks. I looked at the one painting of myself. I used to see this girl as someone that was happy and carefree, but now that I knew better, I saw something far darker. What I saw was someone that struggled with her confidence day by day. She was someone that was tormented in the same way Edgar had been. I overdrove my emotions in the hopes of achieving my idea of true happiness, but was that even possible? What would have happened if I had let go of all my responsibilities and just lived? Would we even be here?

I turned away from the wall then, annoyed with myself. My eyes locked with Edgar’s and I realized he was still here. His face was impassive, as though he were no more than a statue. I licked my lips, watching him as he watched me walk back toward him. When I reached him, I saw in his eyes something I’d missed. I thought back to the first day we met, back to the day when I didn’t know who he was, and the way his eyes had both frightened and amazed me.

My fingers touched his collar bone, tracing back and around his neck. I was remembering his outline, and the way I worshiped every inch of it. He put one hand on my waist, the ring on his finger burning through my shirt and stinging my skin. It was the only part of him that still glowed with life. I lowered my face until our eyes were level with each other, my breath passing my parted lips. He leaned toward me but I mirrored his movements, leaning away from him. I was too drawn by his gaze to lose it just yet. I saw calm and unity locked inside those eyes, something the world held little of these days.

He did not smile or find my resistance at all amusing. His hand on my waist tightened, pulling me toward him. Still, I resisted. The look on his face grew frustrated and angry as he tried ever harder to lean in and kiss me, but as I stared at the voids of his eyes, I could not give in. There was still a part of me that wanted to punish him for the way he’d acted toward me, but I found it was hard to resist falling in love all over again. My mind began to fog.