Tag Archives: halloween

October: Knight Angels Book/Blog Tour!

28 Sep

 October is the release month of the new Knight Angels book! Book of Revenge is touring the blog-o-sphere with character interviews, Excerpts, Reviews, and Scenes! Each day I will post a link of where to go, all you have to do is follow and comment, if you so desire.

Lets all thank Kari for putting the whole thing together (clapping).

Want a book? CLICK HERE

Parade Of Funny Dog Costumes!

30 Oct

Since tomorrow is Halloween, and I love a good holiday, I’ve decided to share some of my favorite costumes! I’ve been watching the Today show, as I do every morning, and felt inspired. Wasn’t a huge fan of the Star Wars theme they decided to go with, seems a little over-done, but at least they did it right with real props from the movie.

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I just can’t resist a small dog in costume.


One thing I can never seem to resist are dogs in costumes. I don’t have a dog, and in fact I am a cat person, but we all know that no cat in their right mind would put up with having a costume on. Heck no.

Poor things, they don’t even know what’s happening! But it’s so funny, all at our expense.

So here we go! Costumes Away!





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Extreme Pumpkin Carving!

28 Oct

pumpkin 3Last night I saw this guy on TV. I can’t remember what channel it was, could have been the Smithsonian. But this! This is what I was talking about when I say Holidays. Bestselling Author of Extreme Pumpkins, Tom Nardone, as far as I can see, is a pumpkin pumpkin genious! Perhaps you’ve seen some of his pumpkins before, I know I have, namely the puking pumpkin. He uses power tools like the jig saw and dremel to carve his pumpkins, even going so far as to make his OWN tools. You can visit his website HERE. There are a lot of fun videos to watch as well

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Now, if my less than stellar pumpkins hadn’t ROTTED four days after bringing them home from the grocery store pumpkin nursery, I too would be carving my pumpkins this way!

My husband and I recently remodeled our whole house, so we have a whole collection of power tools. I hate to buy MORE pumpkins, but I guess I’ll have to…

Book News…

I’m adding a good portion of the new Feather Book Series: Book One, to the blog today, so watch for that and get a taste of what this new release is all about, especially you skeptics out there who doubted I could do this 😉 It just proves that, sometimes, education can come from the most unconventional means. Be sure to check it out!

More Pumpkins!

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For all you mothers, and mothers to be! The P-Section pumpkin! Too much? Perhaps?





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This was how I felt while I was sick!








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Just a Classic. One of my favorites.